Monday, December 17, 2018

Pink Ink

Trying to Explain Things I Don't Understand.

Topic: concrete

Concrete is some special mixture of rocks and minerals. Or maybe it's just pulverized rocks?

You can buy a bag of dry concrete dust and I think if you just add water it becomes a liquid then a solid.

Concrete Trucks have mixers which keep the concrete from solidifying.

I believe concrete is lightweight. Relatively. Like as opposed to a rock or a brick maybe. It's still quite heavy.

When you build with concrete you add rebar? to it.  Which as far as i can tell is some metal poles that give it more structural integrity. This is important.

One time I saw a video where these people made a dome for a big building in like 2 seconds because they slathered wet concrete on a balloon and inflated it and then the concrete hardened and they popped the balloon and it was a dome. And the guy was like pretty smug about it.

I also saw the same concept applied to cheap housing. Like a tiny house.

I don't know when concrete was invented. Probably in like the 20th century maybe? John Concrete.

I think sidewalks are made of concrete, generally. But roads aren't. And i'm told as a runner that roads are "softer" than sidewalk.

Yeah, concrete is all around. Visible and unvisible. And that's most of what I know about it.

Tune in next time when I try to explain something else to illustrate just how little I know.

1 comment:

Errrn said...

topic request: the Federal Reserve?

(if you do understand that - woops, my bad)