Saturday, December 29, 2018

Explains 3

A Piston.

This one is really easy. Pistons are simple.  A piston is like a tube. And then, um,

Ok.  A piston is like a barrel with one closed end and then the other end is adjustable...kinda.

Imagine a barrel. And on end, the lid has an arm attached and that arm can push the end further into the barrel and compress the space inside.

So, wait, now that I'm thinking about it, I think that arm, the thing doing the compressing within the tube is the piston. Not the whole system. I don't know what that's called. A cylinder? Like in an engine, maybe.

Anyway, a piston is a mechanical... instrument that shoots forward to...poke stuff.

Yeah. Not gonna look it up. Just gonna put it out there. I'm open to suggestions.

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