Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Andy Explains

The second installment of my series where I explain something to the best of my ability.

Today: touchscreens.

The first touchscreens probably came out in like the 80s maybe. I know phones started getting touchscreens in like 2008-2010. That was like a transition time from number pad typing to full keyboard. I think.

Anyway, the way a touchscreen might work as that there are a whole bunch of pressure sensitive um, thingies on a surface and they correspond to the pixels on the screen. Somehow conductivity is also involved because you can't just manipulate the screen with anything. It has to be like a tongue or hotdog or stylus or finger.

That's pretty much it. Maybe there's a current going through the screen. Or maybe like, you know how when you used to press down really hard on an old school calculator screen it would flash all those crazy colors. Yeah, maybe that is involved as well.

Just as a rule i'm never going to look up any of these topics even after writing on them.


Cassiar Memekio said...

Hahaha I love the last line

Cassiar Memekio said...

Yeah touchscreens are really interesting