Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Sections of My Day

7:30 AM - 9 AM: wake up. Since I have nowhere to be in the morning. I usually spend an hour or so trying to sleep more and/or trying to come up with reasons to get out of bed. Not a productive part of the day. Lots of room for improvement. Up until recently I woke up to NPR and would ignore it for an hour. Check phone a whole bunch.

9AM-10AM: turn on WNRN. Brush teeth. Make coffee. Make oatmeal. Do small chores like making bed, putting dishes away, organizing. Pretty productive time.

10AM- 11AM: eat breakfast and draw or work on some small creative task. Also talk with roommates and think about running. Check phone a whole bunch. 

11AM-12:40PM: running. The best.

12:40PM-1:30PM- shower, get ready for work, eat a quick lunch. More wnrn. More talking. check phone a whole bunch.

1:30PM- 1:50 PM- drive to work. Listen to wnrn and npr, whichever is better in the moment. Don't check phone!

2PM-6PM: work. This could be further subdivided. There's prep time, check in, announcements, outside time, snack, free time, gym time, clean up. It's all generally pretty good. I like the kids and the work a lot.

6:15PM-7PM: drive home and listen to Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal. Stay in car until Marketplace is over. Check phone a whole bunch when home.

7PM-8PM: make and eat dinner and do dishes. Talk with roommates. Maybe more wnrn.

8PM---bedtime: varies a lot. Sometimes drawing. Sometimes talking. Lately it's been reading and going to bed early. Lots of phone time. I could be more consistent about going to sleep at a certain time.

But that's pretty much it! This would be any weekday from the last few months barring special occasions.


kate said...

Hey Andy! What a time to be alive! This blog still exists and it's still alive. I hope you're doing well. It's been a long time. HMU if you'd like, just good to know you're out there doing your thing

Andy Lawrence said...

which kate is this? who are you?

thanks for reading and reaching out :)

kate said...

I’m Kate Tillotson from long ago