Thursday, November 22, 2018

things I learned from racing today

-honestly assess how your body feels before the start. Is everything ready to go or is that just what you want to believe?

- not running for a week then running 4 times is poor prep. Even if I was in great shape before that week off

-i don't run well below 40 degrees or so

- if temperatures are not ideal, I should not go out hard because of a sense that I should be able to run with certain people

-I've also gone out too hard in the heat with the same results

-learn the course and where the mile markers are. Keep track of splits.

-when conditions are not optimal, start out slower and build momentum to have a better feeling race rather than a slow death towards the middle/end

- don't let your crappy mood bother other people for too long. mope then get over it

-use a poor race as motivation to get back into training. nothing is guaranteed. you always have to put in the work

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