Sunday, November 4, 2018

Just ran

102 minutes. It gets dark really early. It felt much longer than 102 minutes. My legs got tired at the end. Yesterday I ran the same time but in the middle I stopped at the UVA track and ran a 4:57 for 1600m in my tevas sandals. A sandals PR!

I feel excited and prepared for the 8k next saturday. My goal was low-26 minutes but now I feel confident that I can break 26, which is in line with other races I've done and I feel like I'm in comparable shape to the past. On Wednesday Peyton and I had 2x3200 with 3:30 rest in 10:32 and 10:21 then a 4:00 rest and a 1600 in 4:59. And I was pretty well rested but the paces in the 3200s felt comfortable. I'm most encouraged by how good everything felt rather than how hard I was able to run. So that's good. The rest of the runs this week will only be between 50 and 60 minutes and all about feeling gooooooooood.