Sunday, November 4, 2018

No wifi

Currently in the JMRL. A library. I meant to post at least once a day this month. Already messed that up. Ran out of data yesterday. I'm learning to severely cut back on using data. Which has had the effect of drastically reducing YouTube and chrome use. I'm still weaning myself off the instagram explore page which sucks up a ton of data. But the upside to all of this is that I'm excited about reading and going to libraries again. Particularly the reading. A much better way to be engaged than the internet.

So it occurs to me as I'm writing this that this blog could be a repository for small thoughts that happen throughout the day. Like texting myself. Instead of its old function, when I had wifi for a laptop, of trying to little pieces of writing, drawing, whatever.

Anyway, that's the plan.

What I'm checking out of the library today:

-everyone's an aliebn when ur a aliebn too

-the dorito effect

-food anatomy

-best efforts by kenny moore

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