Friday, November 30, 2018

End of November

This month came and went pretty fast. I only worked 2 full weeks of work. This last week was a really good one at after school. Very few conflicts. Lots of good interactions. Lots of buy in and fun from the kids. I hope we can keep it going.

Running was pretty great. I was really happy with the 8k and this first week back has gone exceptionally well.

My hopes for December are to keep things going as they are.

Sometimes I get hung up on negative thoughts and things I can't control. And then I get frustrated with how much energy I waste on those thoughts. But I try to think about my routine and the things I do intentionally every day. And if I stick to those things and do them well then there's only so much time and energy to waste. If that makes sense or is at all interesting.

My lips are chapped. I need to drink more water.

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