Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fuffy Wuffy

Adapted Stories From Fictional Children

Once upon a time, there was the most miserable man in the world. His name was Mr. Andy. One day, a charming young girl asked him for a highlighter from the staff closet and he refused to give it to her because he was evil and could only think of vegetables. When the little girl demanded the highlighter, Mr. Andy started to cry because he is unfit to wield authority over children. The girl punched Mr. Andy until he gave her the highlighter and then she was happy. Later that day, Mr. Andy boiled rocks and wore a mask over the paper bag he kept on his head. He cut a slit in the mask and the bag so he could slide rocks into it but he was too much of a chicken to really eat them so they just slid down his shirt and collected in a wet pile. Truly Mr. Andy is the worst one of all. He is obtuse and when he eats food, the food goes in his stomach and steals nutrients from him and he lets them do it. How does he live with himself?

-this is what I got when I asked for a story in exchange for getting something for a child. It wasn't even this fully-formed. I had to punch it up a lot. Kids...making me do all the work.


Anonymous said...

Really like these last couple of posts. The story makes it :)

Andy Lawrence said...

Thank you! Really liked your comment.