Saturday, March 15, 2014

Strawberry Peasant Told You!

Fictional Stories by Adapted Children

The dragon is chasing the man and the robot. The dragon can't breathe fire. He can only spit lava because he got an infection when he was a baby. The man and the robot were trying to go in the castle. There is treasure in the castle. All the pigs are full of gold and they sleep in the castle. The castle is full of mud. The strawberry peasant tried to warn the robot and the man.

The strawberry said, "Fear your greatest desires, they are the surest path to ruin, sir." For the strawberry knew that the man craved glorious oblivion above all else. Now the man and the robot are racing alongside the rushing river. The dragon is gnashing at his heels. The robot trips and falls. The man can only curse himself for his body that continues to run. He curses himself for the guts and innards that drive him forward to preserve themselves. Screaming down this narrow path, a long step away from slipping beneath the icy clear water. The strawberry laughs.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

This post is cool and unique. I really like the river in the picture, it looks really good, and the line "a step away from slipping beneath the icy clear water". And I like the strawberry peasant.