Saturday, March 15, 2014


Fictionally Adapted by Stories Children

What's that sound? There's a goat and a chicken. What's that rustling? Why is there breathing? Heavily? 

Here now hear the Theory of the Creation of Junk and Stuff.

He lives on apple cores and cardboard. He sings songs that make stray cats plug their ears. He's a scamp and a ruffian and wise wise man. He's a monkey and an alien and an old old boy. Everything you throw away passes through his fingers. He sorts it all in his bottomless can and it travels down to Garbageland. He is the gatekeeper. Everything in Garbageland is useless and dirty and when the people touch the stuff and rub it on their head it becomes clean and sparkly. They take all of the un-trash and load it on to a catapult and vault it into the sky where it exists from the goat's mouth back in the regular world. This cycle goes on forever and ever because the trash is always forgotten about and that powers the magic of the Trash Can Man. When it's all forgotten and uncared for, magic can happen.

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