Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hungry Rad Jackson Son

I call this masterpiece, "Hungry Rad Jackson".

It's like a wingless fly-folk monster thing that hangs about in some area with lots of parallel and perpendicular lines. I think he's dancing to the hot beats coming out of that furry-lookin' jambox I gave him.

Personally, he represents how I really want to go upstairs right now and eat some sliced up vegetables. But I can't decide what I should eat them with. Or if I should really follow through with my dubious plan to eat vegetables at 2 in the morning on the first day of the Twenty-Thirteen.

Decisions Decisions.

This fly-boogie man is probably pretty fast. He looks like he's built for speed. With a stylish fur coat and fur-face to boot! I kinda jangled up his right eye a little but then I decided that this would be a sketch where I wouldn't erase anything. I think I'm a kind and careful creator to the things I draw.

I'm not so attentive to details that might be important like fingers and toes but that's because those are tricky and if you can't overcome small challenges with your weird stabby fingers and toes then I guess the BIG HEART I gave you on the inside has gone to waste.

You can see signs of the BIG HEART based on how big I always make the eyeballs. Eyeballs are everything. Somebody with giant eyeballs, that's comforting. That's a window to the soul. You give me a bay window to your soul and even if I don't like you, I'll still probably trust you. I won't worry about you. A person with no eyes, like, a person with a fleshy expanse of skin over where there are eyes are supposed to be...
I'm sorry...

I hate to say it...

it's Two-Aught-One-with-a-Three,

but that would make me uncomfortable.

That's just how I feel.

Hungry Rad Jackson though, he can keep partying in the free world for all I care...eyeballs bigger than his hands. I'm gonna go eat some sliced vegetables.


crab said...


Mary said...

Well I only got four hours of sleep so all y'all just shush.

And a very happy new year.