Friday, January 11, 2013

Wax and Abundance

I'd like to take a moment and try to appreciate all the time in this new year that will be spent doing absolutely nothing.

I think that when you let your mind wander it does what cats do.

And by that I mean it goes under the bridge by the train station and gets knocked up by one of the many cats there and a few months later plops out a problem you'll have to get rid of which is so correctly named a "litter."

But in brain terms it's a whole lot cooler:

The brain goes off into some ethereal plain where other wandering brains hang out and they bump ideas with each other and later you get the idea that you could build a state underneath Kansas and call it NetherKansas. It would start off as a hole in the ground but then that would turn into a hovel, and then that would turn into a home, and then you invite some of your buddies over and boast about the excellent insulting properties of earth. Pretty soon they're moving in and adding their own chambers and they tell their cool family members about it and before you know it you've got a little neighborhood assembled. At some point, being the progressive-minded mole-people that you pride yourselves on being, you're going to reconfigure the famous John Winthrop's 'City on a Hill' and those philosophical underpinnings are going to provide the momentum for a bustling and Utopian metropolis. It's all so simple.

And you after you think that you'll be like, "Where'd that idea come from?"

Got your brain knocked up on a higher plane from doing nothing.


Andy Lawrence said...

I'll pay someone a cheese sandwich to draw up the schematics for NetherKansas!

Your choice of cheese! long as you choose sharp cheddar.

Mary said...

Nope I don't trust you to pay up.