Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Another Late Night Sketch

This one is called 'Bee and the Bunch'.

The 'Bee' part is a reference to the big smiling bee with a stupid smile on his gigantic face as he's doing a heel-click kinda move in the air.

The 'Bunch' refers to the chaotic, broken down stuff (and NOSES) that I drew around him. He seems to be blissfully unaware of it all though. Especially since his pupils are going in two different directions.

I think I'm most proud of filling that left hand side with noses.

Ugh, I really do not like this picture. It upsets me. A lot.

It should upset you too. It's insulting you. It hates you.

Look at that bee! Why is he smiling?

Doesn't he see all the craters and broken rectangles around him? Those rectangles are not in any kind of organized state.

Yet the big ol' big headed bee is like, "My name is Hanson. I like parades and Polish sparkle-sticks!"

We don't have time for those two things that you said! Rectangles! The noses are going to be arriving any second and this place is a mess!

Why isn't he taking any of this seriously?!

Bad job me! I'm going to bed!

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