Wednesday, July 18, 2012

One Thing of Fun

We play a lot of dodgeball games where I work. After a while, you get a good sense of who the habitual criers are. The ones who aren't really hurt, crying is just their go-to response (not surprisingly, these kids are overwhelmingly brats).
But it gets fun because once you realize they don't actually get hurt and you see them about to start up you can say in an authoritative voice, "Don't cry! You're fine!".
Which I find really funny in a sick way. denying someone's expression of pain and sadness. "NO CRYING!".
I mean, there's something inherently terrifying about that statement that almost makes you want to cry.
Like when someone gets mad at you for saying "sorry" too much and your only response is "I'm sorry!"
Haha, my fifth grade teacher broke me to tears over that in front of the whole class.
Her: stop saying sorry, Andy.
Me: I'm--I'm--s-s-s-sorry.
Her: STOP IT! Don't cry!
Me: Ahhhhh!!
But that's how most lessons go as a kid. Your brain gets trapped like a goat with its head stuck in a fence, you cry, you cry more, you move on.
Adult life probably works along the same lines, not sure yet.

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