Monday, July 23, 2012


Today went by pretty fast. Which is a good thing.

I become one step closer to jumping into the real world. But ideally, after a brief plummet, I'd like to land on a giant clown shaped balloon head full of angry butterflies that take me to a magical Denny's where I can eat omelets all day and go boating at night.

Wait. What? I mean...I hope I succeed through the somewhat creepy power of friendship.

Friendship is kind of a creepy power when you think about it. You meet someone and you're like, "Wait?! We like the same movies and laugh at the same kind of pain? Let's join forces to increase our awesome on the world!" It's not like the old, real friendship of the past when it was more about...collecting coal or grain or whatever so you wouldn't die.

"That's my buddy, Randal. He has fourteen kids and calls his wife, "Vampire Bat" but he works real hard and he can hold his whiskey so I reckon he's alright."

But, the real thing I wanted to talk about is the reason my day went by so fast is I tried to focus on creativity.

Like, being creative for creativity's sake.

Which really just ends up being weird. And you aspire for a cool kind of weird and not a I-think-this-person-has-problems weird.  But everybody wins either way.

We had two hours of Arts and Crafts time today so I sat down and put most of attention to drawing whatever weird shapes and creatures came out on the page.

I drew a pterodactyl with a cupcake body. I drew a really creepy face with flower petals around it and its neck led down to some soil in a pot. I drew this weird gelatinous blob which was either being vomited out of a skinny, spiky, floating thing with eye-stalks or the blob was wearing the eye-stalks creature as a hat. And then I couldn't think of anything else so I drew a cone and wrote, "The Club Can't Even Handle Me Right Now" beside it.

I'll take a picture of it tomorrow and post it here. That description was lame.

But, you know, BE CREETAVE! It's just lumping stuff next to other stuff that shouldn't go with it. But you think it should! It's like playing God, in a way.

But it's good. It's like a good test of friendship I guess. If we want to pick a theme and stay with it. Cuz it gets down to something that's removed from all the social etiquette and routine. Not that that stuff isn't important but human beings are fairly good at recognizing and reproducing the concept of normal. So, because of that it might take you a while before you really realize someone is not compatible with you at all. Manners and decency is good for strangers and meeting people but I feel like they can also be promotional signs for Caverns Expeditions.

You see one and you're like, "Oh! I think I want to go explore a cave for the day. This place looks professional and sanitary."

But as the tour goes along things get darker and slimier and in the heart of the cave is a twisted old troll whose body is made of knots and listens to Journey albums backwards.

And it's kind of a big let down because you thought it was gonna be a fun time...but it turned into evil.

I'm not sure. I'm not sure which is better. Because creativity is nice because it's like someone holding up a picture in your face of a Brontosaurus playing the trombone on an asteroid and saying, "THIS MAKES SENSE RIGHT?!" And if you can dig that, then chances are you'll probably get along with them. If you can accept that deep down, they are dinosaurs, brass instruments, and Armageddon-type space rocks, then you've probably set the foundation for a solid relationship.

But we all know impersonal interaction is important too.

So...I guess if a person doesn't need anything from you, and you aren't being paid to act normal, there's nothing really stopping you from letting your freak flag fly.

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