Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Mighty Bucket of Pants

In case you haven't noticed, I created this character, Slim Pickens. If it hasn't been made clear already, the whole idea behind him is based off the lettering I saw on a carton of almond milk I received for my birthday.

Here's a little mini-story I wrote just now in my brain.

A group of children are sitting around a lunch table. One says, "Did you guys know that God is dead?"

"You're not supposed to say God is dead!" says another.

Slim Pickens bursts out of a dolphin-shaped pinata hanging above the table and says, "Children! Use your high fructose corn syrup rich beverages to drown out this evil Mighty Bucket of Pants chasing me across time and space! Ahhh!"

A bucket of pants emerges from the shredded remains of the pinata and growls menacingly.

Slim Pickens steps back, horrified. "If you don't cover me in Mountain Dew, we're all gonna be butt deep in molten denim!"

Slim Pickens grabs a soda from a child, heaves it at the bucket of pants then launches himself onto the soon-to-be-exploderated trans-dimensional bucket-demon. He yells, "BOO-YAH CATHEDRAL!" and a blinding flash of light fills the room.

Slim Pickens, the bucket, and the pinata have all disappeared. A child gently vomits up his chocolate milk.

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