Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Still have a runny nose. It was starting to get better and today it came back in full force.

Didn't do any work this evening but I pretty much took care of it all earlier in the day. Go me.

Got a Valentine's Orange Crush soda can delivered to my room. No idea who it's from. Is it from you, anonymous commenter? Do I brighten your day? You brighten mine. Always so anonymous. Always so brief.

I got in to another Comedybrew so I'll post my act for that after the 25th. I think it's my best material so far. I'm not really worried with how I place. If I win, great but then I can't do the show next semester and the show is the best part.

I can't think of anything to say so I'm just going to post the conversation I just heard on my hall:

Girl on Phone: You know what's funny? *laughs* I was looking back at our text conversation from six months ago and *laughs* I messaged you saying *laughs* I said, "MICHAEL!" and you said, "SARAH!". *laughing and laughing* And I was like, "what a douchebag."

THAT'S NOT FUNNY, LADY! THOSE ARE JUST THE COMPLETELY UNORIGINAL NAMES YOUR PARENTS GAVE YOU! They were too busy huffing paint and murdering vagabonds beneath highway bridges with garden hoes to think of good names. Then one day they caught a sleeping homeless man in the back of the neck with a gardening tool. They found his wallet containing 5 dollars and 43 cents and an expired drivers license that said his name was Michael/Sarah. Michael Cera. Not the actor. A homeless dead man of the same name. Then, because your parents were working together on this murderous rampage of the destitute and completely consumed by their insatiable urge for blood, both mothers simultaneously gave birth underneath route 133. It was a complete shock to all involved and they decided to give you names in a vain attempt to stop your whining for a couple hours. Later on you were entertained by the piles of empty pizza boxes that filled your room and were also used to stuff the mattresses of your childhood beds. The first and only movie you ever watched was The Santa Clause 2, arguably the worst movie ever shot and responsible for the  ever-increasing rate of entropy in the universe.

So yeah...

don't...don't tell stupid stories over the phone for everyone to's annoying.

*Also, I put the Santa Clause 2 and entropy in the same sentence. Someone give me a high-five.


Anonymous said...

Do I brighten your day? Oh I'm so glad I do. These things brighten mine.

I'll keep it brief.

Funnie Paranoia said...

^ I like anonymous.