Thursday, February 23, 2012

From Sadler

I was reading a pamphlet about food servings. It said you should eat 5 servings of veggies a day and that a serving of vegetables is the size of a computer mouse.

5 computer mouses a day??

Challenge accepted, educational pamphlet.

I started making triangles out of straws and leaving them on this thermostat thing. Someone took it down. But I have another triangle on this thing I had to stand on a chair to reach. It's still there. laughing maniacally I assume.

I like getting really long dinners. The problem is there's no bathroom in the dining hall.

It's getting harder to find places to pee.

If people wonder why I spend so much time here, they don't know my room. I thought my roommate had gotten rid of his pornographic slideshow screensaver. I realized today he just changed his background to a slideshow that occasionally contains pornographic images.

Home boy has a thing for the asians.

Dating advice:

If a girl asks you what color her eyes are and then closes them.

Smack her.

Trick question gets a trick answer.

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