Friday, February 17, 2012

Tyler Basement

Ahh...I don't have a lot of time...I'm sitting in the computer lab with one other person here...have to deposit some great truth....push it out Andy! push it out!

I was running up a long hill yesterday in the rain on a road with no shoulder and I was looking into the headlights of the cars and the harder I ran the more real everything felt. All the edges were sharper and all the lines were bold. And no one could take it away from me. It was happening to me and I was making it happen and only I could see it or know it or even begin to understand it. I was burning everything up and when I stopped I felt completely empty and everything was beautiful and shimmering.

But at the same time, it's not the worst thing in the world when you get so wrapped up in your neuroticism that you yell at someone and go on a five minute rant about the importance of keeping chicken nuggets far far far away from strawberry yogurt. To even think about putting them on the same plate and letting them mingle and produce the demonic spawn that gleefully violate every single one of the MAJOR LAWS OF FOOD is madness!

So...just get out of the grey as quickly as possible. Go to a side and go at it as hard as you can. It's the middle ground that will eat you alive. Or...gnaw at you slowly alive until half your face is gnawed off.

...that's not true though. Just...just enjoy it while it's happening to you.

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