Sunday, February 19, 2012

Richmond Road

I lost my ID last night.

Here are the people I interacted with because of it:

Weiyi Zhang- the person who found my ID in the exact same spot where I realized I lost it. If you do a image search for Weiyi Zhang you get a pretty good idea of what he looked like. He's a big, muscular black man with three nostrils. Stood about 6-foot four, probably from Trinidad and Tobago. Had a large W&M Field Hockey tattoo on his right bicep and his forehead. There was this wild boar following him around with two sausage links skewered on its tusks and it looked like it had something stuck in its craw but it wasn't my place to comment. I know, I know, it's everything you'd imagine when you hear a name like Weiyi Zhang but sometimes stereotypes are true and I'm not about to censor the truth. I was super grateful and he was like, "Hey man. Don't worry about it. But if I find this again I'm gonna turn your throat inside out and give it to my niece for her half-birthday." Then he smiled and went back to the Computer Lab.

Jacoby- Kid's been globetrotting for a whole year and the first time I run into him is in the cold morning rain when I'm out retracing my steps from the night before. He was hungover and heading back home to make himself a bean burrito. I got his number so we can get together for lunch or something. Seeing him was almost fortunate enough to make up for the last ID.

The People...that live by the door.-

Here's the note I pinned to their door at one in the morning:

"Dear People...who live by the door,

Thank you so much for letting me in. You have performed a true act of kindness and you should be appreciated and congratulated. Because you trusted me I don't have to spend the night in the bush. And that's not meant to be a derogatory comment about bushes. They're great. I had one picked out and everything. But come morning I would've had to say to myself, "I spent the night in a bush." And that's not the way it's supposed to be. So thank you for letting me sleep in my bed tonight and restoring my faith in the beneficence of the human spirit. Bless you mucho!"

Yeah I dropped the word beneficence in a note I half-drunkenly posted to someone's door in the middle of the night. I don't even use that word in the daytime!

All the People That Saw Me Skipping Across the Campus After I Got My ID Back- Yeah I skipped in the rain in the dark! And if you don't understand why then you don't realize what that 20 hours without my ID was like! I even had dreams about finding it. I was stumbling along the ground that was littered with cards that looked and felt almost exactly like my ID but there were little details that were off about them. Then I woke up and was half sure that it had all been a dream and I was expecting my ID to be safe inside my wallet. Then it wasn't and later I got locked out of my building for a good ten minutes in the middle of the day because apparently know one lives here!

But now I have my ID once again and I feel like an important vital organ has been returned to my one of my kidneys...or the part of your brain that distinguishes ice-cream from fire-ants.

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