Wednesday, April 10, 2024

 I was using a leafblower at the bottom of an empty over-one-hundred-years old pool and I ended up with these big piles of leaves at the edges that I would then use a shovel to heave out of the pool and onto a tarp. And as I was getting to the end of one pile a little mouse appeared and started running from the pile. I felt bad for the mouse so I used the shovel to move it to another pile but I'd been working in the sun for a while and forgot that I would eventually need to heave that pile out of the pool as well. Some time passed and I started throwing that pile out of the pool and I never saw the mouse so I guess that was good. Then when I was all finished I went to my water bottle and a big of tortilla chips that I'd left at the end of the pool and a mouse had clearly chewed through the bag and took some chips.

There's no lesson here and nothing was learned.

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