Monday, April 22, 2024

one time when I was in kindergarten we had a day where the only point of the day was that some guy brought in a cow heart

and it was like cow heart day where everyone got to go out to the blacktop where the cow heart was on a table and look at it and maybe even poke it

and I didn't feel well or something that day so I had to stay inside while everyone else went out to look at the cow heart

to this day I still haven't seen a cow heart in person or in photographs

at this point I'm sure you're thinking the same thing I'm thinking which is "well Andy why don't you Google a cow heart picture right now and react to it?"


Don't you understand. Can't you see what this has all been about the whole time?

That's not my path to walk. In the words of blink-182 "fate fell short this time."

Why don't YOU look up a picture of a cow heart and tell me what it's like?

Also, now as a person who has worked with kids his entire professional life, it is absolutely WILD for someone to be like, "hey I got this cow heart, we should show it to ALL the kindergartners." 

I'm not saying it's a bad thing it just ain't no cocomelon.

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