Monday, April 29, 2024

the soft must prevail

I was helping clean out the lifeguard shack at camp today. The guard shack is a dark place full of things like snakes and spiders and stink bugs and rusty metal and saws and hammers and mouse poop and dust and detritus. An inhospitable place where only the roughest toughest meanest grimiest nastiest can exist.

And there in the middle of the filth and gore where is this little rubber ducky. Not even a rubber ducky. One of those squishy gummy things that all dust and dirt stick to and can never be unstuck. And there it was. In spite of everything around it.

The soft and weak and squishy MUST exist! It must! There is no way around it. 

"Only the strong survive!"

No! This cannot be true. In the entirety of existence is the irreducible element of the easily broken and destroyed and tarnished and it MUST be so!

"Why?! But why?"

Because, baby, because baby.


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