Tuesday, February 27, 2024

ways to differentiate people with the same first name and my thoughts on the various methods

 #1- Last Initial. Example: Tony P and Tony M

    This one is fine I guess. It's objective and treats both people equally. Sometimes a first name and a last initial can have a good ring to it. I'd say this one is the middle-of-the-road standard. Uninspired but not the worst.

#2- Big and Little. Example: Big Calvin and Little Calvin

    This one is better. It says, "Hey one of you is this size and one of you is this size and DON'T YOU FORGET IT!" Other people can also easily understand who each one is. Anytime you create or highlight a power difference is funny. And people are like 'What? It's fine. It's just a name." Like a name isn't one of the most fundamental qualities of a person. Good stuff.

#3- Version Numbers. Example: Alex 2.0 and Alex 3.0

    We did this on my running club in college. One guy joined and his name was Alex so we called him Alex. And then another Alex joined so we immediately started calling him 2.0. Pronounced "two-point-oh". And then first Alex quit after less than a year and we went on calling 2.0 2.0 forever. I think having a number for a name is cool. 

#4- Titles. Example: Chris the Counselor, Chris the Boyfriend, Chris the Lady, Chris the Chef.

    I worked at a summer camp where every other person was named Chris and this is what we did. Chris the Lady was the best one. This process feels kinda medieval and is probably how last names were invented or something.

#5- One time during my freshman orientation so like my first day of college kinda everyone in our hall sat in a big circle and we went around introducing ourselves and we had to say our name and an adjective that started with the same letter as our name and there was some white guy named Ryan and no one remembers what his adjective was and there was also a korean guy named Ryan but he wasn't at this meeting because he was at a verizon store or something trying to get a new phone and so his roommate who was also korean went for him and introduced him as 'asian ryan' and that's what he called that guy for the rest of the year.

I think that's all of them. The only other one I can think of is Epithets. Like Mark "Raider of Cities" and Mark "Curse of the Sewer".

Sewers are cool. I feel like they have a lot of power because ooooo it's some subterranean ecosystem full of darkness and waste and lurking and shadows. But that's what makes the above ground world so palatable and clean and so you think about the shadow self and stuff. Also stinky poo poo pee pee.


Erin said...

Very cursed to use Tony P as an example. I thought this was a safe space.

Andy Lawrence said...

Nice try but this is clearly a sewer and the P stands for sewer.