Monday, February 19, 2024

11, 12, and 13 are a great trio of numbers

 I think maybe the best trio of numbers. You might think one, two, three. That's an undeniably classic team. Tough to beat. But hear me out.

Eleven is a prime number. Eleven is the first three syllable number. Eleven, along with twelve, are the only multi-digit numbers (not containing 0) that have unique names. Every other number past twelve has parts that make it up. twenty-one. three million nine hundred eighty six thousand two hundred forty eight. 

Twelve, in contrast to eleven, is something called a superior highly composite number which I don't really know what that means but the contrast is obvious. AND twelve is the highest one syllable number. Twelve is also the base of time which I guess is why it gets to be twelve and not one-y two.

Finally thirteen! Thirteen is a TWIN PRIME with eleven. Do you see the synergy with these guys?! The way they highlight each others strengths and eliminate any and all weaknesses. Thirteen is also called a baker's dozen. Thirteen is full of significance.

Give me a better trio of natural sequential numbers. You can't. 11, 12, and 13 are just the improved final versions of one two and three. Everything after is derivative. Everything before them has unrealized potential.

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