Wednesday, February 7, 2024

crazy legs power

 the 10 miler is about 5 or 6 weeks out. For the past year and a half I've focused on workouts where the main goal is being in control. Try to run 4 to 8 miles at a hard effort with minimal rest and not overextend myself. But it is now time. It is now time to run HARD-HARD. 

Building the anaerobic capacity. Going to the well. Dropping the hammer. Communing with the spirit world. Breaking your legs. Kicking out the jams. Straining the rigatoni. Putting 10 gallons of crap in a 5 gallon hat. Breaking the 3rd wall. Punching the E-ticket. Crambling ventures.

Some of those I made up. But I'm hyping myself up to go to a neighborhood 2 miles from where I live and running this parabola of a road 6 times really hard. The goal is to make it hurt.

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