Sunday, February 12, 2023

thoughts on my mind

 -the 10 miler is coming up. I'm confident it's going to go better than last year. I was looking at my old training and it was kind of a mess. I wasn't doing much to really prepare myself to race 10 miles. Not enough volume and the workouts were like short intervals with lots of rest at 5 min pace. No wonder I ran a huge positive split. Anyway, this year I'm coming in with some of best volume I've ever run and workouts that are very specific to 10 mile racing. I've been doing lots of long tempos and recently ran 8 miles at very close, like 98-99% of goal race pace with only a short 2 min rest in the middle. That's really promising

-my other main concern has been climbing and I've been working on two hard climbs for a little over a week now and making lots of progress on them. It's to the point where I've done all the moves and can now send them both comfortably in two parts. I can get to the half way point on each, and then I fall off, and then I rest for a little bit and get back on and finish them. Hopefully at some point in the next two weeks I'll have a day where I feel really fresh and can do them.

-Today I was medium-fresh. I pushed myself pretty hard on Friday with both climbing and running and then yesterday, Saturday, I did a total rest day. Didn't really leave the house or do anything. Took a nap. Got lots and lots of sleep. Completely relaxed. So coming into today I felt pretty recovered but I think there was still some lingering tiredness from Friday. 

-Seems like the weather will be good again this week and then I have a busy weekend coming up. Friday I'll drive to Richmond to see Erin and then also go coach at a practice in Richmond on Saturday. Sunday I have a hike with Todd and then Monday it's a teacher work day. I'll have to sneak in as much rest and recovery as I can. On the weekend it's not too hard but the Monday work day is a long one. At least it's not a back-to-back workday like in January. That was pretty brutal and left me with a cold for the next week and some. 

-I really feel joy in what I'm doing. I love moving my body and seeing what it can do and seeing how good I can get at something. I love the sense of place I have at the climbing gym and I love being outside in the world when I'm running. 

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