Sunday, February 26, 2023

days like today are what you do it for

 really happy with my long run today. I had a really restful weekend leading up to it and the weather was great and I drove out to the fastest place to run in the area and crushed it. If I had really pushed I could have definitely beaten my 10 mile time from the 10 miler race last year. I ended up getting in a really hard 7 miles and then the really interesting thing was that I pushed myself to nearly all out at the end of the 7 miles, averaging around 5:30 pace and then after a really short jog rest I was able to go back to low 6 minute pace and sub-6 minute pace and feel pretty comfortable. 

Back in early October I did a similar run but at the end of 7 miles I was fully stopped and standing around for a few minutes before jogging again. So that's a pretty significant improvement in endurance and recovery. I think it's all the hilly 8 and 10 mile runs I've been doing. But yeah for about 6 to 7 miles I was able to hold near goal race pace and feel pretty comfortable. That was also at the end of a 3 week block where I was running high mileage and feeling pretty tired from day to day. When I'm fresh and rested I think my pace could easily drop 5 to 10 seconds per mile. That would be really good.

It's also just nice and reassuring that I am still improving and that my training is working. I know I can keep doing it and keep getting stronger and that's the biggest motivator for me. That there is still potential and I can keep seeing returns for the work I put in.

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