Monday, February 6, 2023

rolling on

 I had a really good workout yesterday. 2x4 miles averaging 5:37 and 5:32 with 2 min rest between. That's a big step forward in fitness from last year at the same time and from earlier in the Fall. It's really exciting and encouraging. In the Fall I wasn't doing as much weekly volume and so it was easier to run more workouts and see improvement. Now that I'm running about 75 miles a week it's hard to do much else but regular steady running. I was pretty sure it was helping but it wasn't sure. Last week was a drop in mileage and that workout yesterday told me that, yes indeed, the fitness is growing.

I would love to get to the point where I could run 5-8 miles all under 5:30 pace. That would really be some good fitness. I think I can get there somewhat soon too. I'm going to do 3 more weeks of higher mileage and then take another down week. At some point when I'm feeling good I'd like to attempt to run 5 miles in under 5:30 pace and then during the next down week I'll repeat the 2x4 miles and try to average under 5:30 for the 2nd 4 miles. 

Continuing to strengthen my calves although today I'm definitely feeling the fatigue in my quads and hamstrings so maybe I should focus on those as well.

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