Tuesday, February 28, 2023

quote appreciation

 in 6th grade I was a really small self-conscious kid who tended to be very quiet and would get pretty upset at home over the fact that I was short and quiet. It's not who I wanted to be and it was pretty obvious from spending any amount of time at school that it wasn't exactly a good thing to be. But I remember one time my mom came home and she'd clearly been thinking about this and she told me a quote from Abraham Lincoln, who was notably soft-spoken,  "better to remain silent and be a thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

And it made me feel better. It didn't fix everything but it was just like a small bit of support and a reminder that the way I was wasn't completely wrong. I'm grateful that she said that.

Here's another good Lincoln quote that I found while looking up the previous one

"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present."

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