Saturday, December 9, 2017

Strong Feelings

A kid yesterday was like 'what if the world was an advanced simulation  and-'

I cut him off 'it is.'

'You didn't  let me finish. If it's a simulation -'

'Nope. It definitely is a simulation.'

And I tuned him out after that. Don't answer a fill in the blank with an essay, kids.


Agent Crab said...

I would responded by letting my face become totally blank as I stare at them with empty eyes and say in a even monotone: "awakened user detected; initializing countermeasures. Three percent. Eight percent. Fifteen percent..."

Agent Crab again said...

Y'know that kids don't care about The Matrix anymore??? It's an old enough movie that the special effects don't look as good and so many movies have taken and used the techniques that made The Matrix so cinematically revolutionary. Kids don't see it and get as blown away because it's just another movie that does slow-mo and stuff. And it's old and less pretty.

Makes me sad that it doesn't have the same impact anymore because that impact was SO good that everyone took it.

I guess it's like computers. The Commodore 64 was huge in it's day but now ain't nobody wanna use that. Look at all these super advanced modern computers! They've come so far that they can now support entire life simulations and people don't even realize they are in it.