Sunday, December 3, 2017

Late Night Wegman's Grocery Shopping

I have spoken real life...with talking words...exactly two people today. This first person was my coworker who I was talking to when the clock flipped over to midnight and I was still at work because my Saturdays start at 8AM and end when I decide to stop doing paperwork. And then I didn't say any words out loud to another person until around 11PM when I was checking out at Wegman's. But, to be entirely honest and give the absolute fullest disclosure, I was also speaking when and mumbling to myself throughout the day and then scream singing when I was driving to Wegman's and Portugal the Man's Feel it Still came on the radio for the 80billionth time. Oh man. I belted it. That's one of those songs where you think you know the words cuz you've heard it so much but then you try to scream it and you find yourself just yelling over whatever the actual words are. Yeah. I was exhausted today. I got out of bed at noon. Just didn't put in any effort but I think that's what my body needed. Then I had an ambiguous negative interaction where I assumed negative intent and kinda victimized myself and got all in my head and turned around and stewed in it on the couch for way too long. Boo hoo poor baby.

What else? I was going to write about how much I could tell high school me about how I had absolutely no conception of what the world was like outside of school. Oh, and I woke up to a text asking if I could come in and work on my day off. Which I really don't like saying 'no' to but it was the kind of day where there was no way that I was going to do laundry or buy groceries or even eat a real meal until at least 5 PM. I like my life though. I wouldn't give it up for very much. I like that, outside of work, I can do pretty much whatever I want. I'm also working on getting better at basketball. I'll get back to running eventually. Sometime soon probably. Really depends on the recently injured foot and I'd really like to get my old-injured foot figured out so maybe not running will help with that for a bit. We'll see.

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