Saturday, December 2, 2017

hey! I've lived in Charlottesville for 2 years!

It was actually yesterday but I kind of forgot.

On December 1st, 2015, I started my afterschool job and was living in a townhouse with 2 roommates. In March, I ran in the Charlottesville 10 Miler for the first time and got 5th. By the summer one of the roommates had moved out and a new one moved in and I started working at the summer camp as a counselor in 2016! Let's see, then by the Fall the other original roommate moved out and Luke kinda lived with me for a month though I barely saw him and a new guy moved in by January. Also on December 1st, 2016 I saw strfkr play and had a terrible day at work and resolved to leave my job after working there for exactly one year. I woke up to 2017 with my head where my feet should have been, my pants on my pillow, and vomit on my pants. I started training for my current job in January 2017 and officially started at the beginning of February. In March I got 2nd in the Charlottesville 10 Miler! Then in May I moved to the summer camp and got new roommates, Maddie and Otis, who were really great. I volunteered at the camp and got an even more full-timer position over the summer at my job. I also hurt my foot in May and haven't run any races since. Um, I also got an Instagram after not having social media since November 2011. Since the Fall I've lived alone at camp and worked a lot at work and over Thanksgiving just recently hurt my other foot so I've been taking a break from running that I'm honestly not all that upset about.

The Count:

-4 jobs
~7 roommates
-2 houses
-1 concert

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