Wednesday, December 6, 2017

From the Vault

These are some pictures from like Spring 2011, my sophomore year of college, when I made a robot out of cans of peace tea that I collected in my friend's apartment. This used to be on the blog but I purged most everything from pre-2012 because I used to curse a lot and then got really worried about that.

kinda wish I still had that Big Lick t-shirt...

I would later go on to rip those pants completely.

1 comment:

Shabby said...

What happened to Big Lick?!?!

Also, I think I might have kept peace tea man's robot head in the larger cardboard robo head that we made at a later date. If so, it's probably at my parents house, still looking like it used to.

Also also, bring back anything else from the vault! Quality nostalgia.

Also also also, I'mma reply to the other post, I just wanna wait and make sure it's a good and genuine response that I don't write really late at night.

Did you rip those jeans the night your head got in a fight with gravity/the floor?