Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Julie told me today that I have a 'muted presence', like that's the impression I give off just standing around, doing nothing, being neutral, to a stranger. Which I like. I guess everyone looks kinda muted just standing around doing nothing but like I've asked people like which Harry Potter house I would be in and someone told me 'you're kind of a mix', which, to say everything is to also say nothing. And I really don't like personality tests and groupings and things.

These blogs have been extra bloggy lately. Anyway, if you're reading this and you've met me and you remember having a thought, like, when you first saw me or first met me and had an impression, I would really appreciate you posting it in the comments. Even if, especially if, it didn't turn out to be true and ESPECIALLY IF it wouldn't be the kind of thing that would've been socially acceptable to say in the moment.

Oh, I guess to also clarify what this is all about you should watch this:

enjoy. if you respond I will try to give a reciprocal essence if you'd like


Shabcrab said...

If I'm super ultra honest, I think I didn't really process much about you. Gooch 3rd upper was in our circle and Ben was leading us group of strangers in talking about ourselves and you were one of the dudes that was just there. Futa stood out because he was already feeding people and clearly crazy in a good way, Emil was wearing those slightly douchey hats, and you just seemed chill and 'there'. I imagine I was the same.

But I also could have forgotten if you did anything noteworthy at that meeting. I don't even remember what- wait yes I do, you were Action Andy!!

Hah! Pulled that from the 'ol mind attic. Yeah we didn't start connecting until later in Freshman year and then that really grew in sophomore and especially junior year, so it was a very slow burn upon initial meeting. I liked that you played music into the Hall and you had a potato duct taped to a pencil which you jammed into the corkboard on your desk. And a white notecard with just 'Art' was written on it and taped beside the exhibit. I remember liking that a lot.

Andy Lawrence said...

That's a pretty good summary. I think the pencil potato art impulse sums up my prcoess pretty well.

I remember having a similar first impression of you. Also I think I was so super focused on myself that I probably missed a lot. One thing I remember is that I knew going into college that i wasn't the most socially experienced or adept. But I got the impression that you were more sheltered than me. Thats not exactly the right word but like you were clearly not interested in party party. It didnt seem like the group had much influence over who you were and what you liked. You did you. We were all nerdy so that goes without saying but i think a lot of people on our hall were also trying to figure out like, how can i be cool now?

Anonymous said...

i saw a long-haired crosslegged tan boy in sunflower short shorts and no shirt and i thought that guy looks like the personification of sunshine and seems silly i wanna hang out with him cuz i bet he's weird

Funnie Paranoia said...

Back in high school you were pretty quiet like me. We would have short conversations about funny, random things so I knew we'd get along. I dunno, being friends came pretty easy, and even easier since I was dating your friend. Also we're all bloggy and so reading that I got to know you a little bit better through the weird stories you'd post. So, first impression: funny, quiet, and smart.

Andy Lawrence said...

to anonymous:

the first word that came to mind the first time I talked to you was "cool". you are cool. which sounds really generic but like, you are the gold standard of cool to me.

Bird said...

I remember sitting in a car, nearly full, pulling up to Ludwell. I scooted over to the center so you could get in, and then we drove to York River state park to play frisbee in the wind with a sumo disc. Neither of us really said anything. I think I thought you were quiet and nerdy, like me then. Then I didn't see you for 2 years, and then we were both just crushing it.