Thursday, August 17, 2017

Today I Went for a Walk on My Break

Instead of a run.

Things I did:

took selfies and felt like my face looked fat

felt heavy and bloated

pooped on the side of the road

looked at the beautiful views and trees

wiped with leaves

made a plan to buy a scale

examined the tightness of my watch on my wrist

looked through old pictures of myself

my legs hurt and my foot hurt

wanted to lie down and take a nap

stared at the side of the road and tried to describe in words everything I could see

imagined what people would do if they thought I was a runaway student from the school

stared at the sky

resolved to return to camp and live in a tiny house of my own construction and run a lot

regretted how my haircut makes my face look

listened to the thunder

I'm gonna go draw pictures now.


Crabb said...

Use your post-haircut regret to fuel your aspirations! Don't let it be for nothing!

Also you have longer hair today than you did yesterday.

2.0 said...

Hair never gives up.