Saturday, August 19, 2017

I've Been Making Lots of Stuff

Mostly drawings and little paintings and putting little drawings on little paintings with words that you can read.

And then I think I'd like to mail them out to people and also put them up around the camp where I still live until they kick me out.

If you'd like me to send you some drawings in the mail and I also could write stuff for you, you should leave a comment and text me your address and I'll do that.

I like mailing out stuff because it helps me feel useful and also gives a little creative impetus and oomph when you know you're doing something for another person and not just doing it to somethingsomething emptiness inside forever empty.

I'd also like to make t-shirts because when I was at camp sometimes I'd wear t-shirts that I'd made and people said they liked them and asked if I would make them one and that made me feel good. But also I don't know much acquiring t-shirts...I mean...they just kinda fall out of me so there's nervousness about how to go about making them for another person that isn't my sister.

I'm still going back and forth about what purpose this blog will serve because I don't really make comics anymore and I post pictures of things on instagram but I like it as a kind of...exactly what a blog should be for. A place to hold thoughts about the day. Which I guess I've never really used it for in the 10 or so years that I've had it.

I really like camp and I really like reusing old sheets of paper that I get from work. I turned a 100+ page manual from the department of social services that I was supposed to read into all the comics that were posted here. Also I want to make things about camp but it's more difficult to do while being on the outside of it. I made comics last year about camp when I was right in the thick of it and in and of all that energy.

Summary: get in contact with me about making stuff for you and it will make me very happy. then keep bugging me about it so that I actually do it. thank you and goodnight.