Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The World at Large Revisited

I didn't like this song in middle school/high school when I listened to this album a lot. It was a little too melancholy and mopey and I realized I never paid attention to the lyrics.

Anyway, I like these lines. Since I've graduated college I feel like I've started over in a way every year or so. Or, that I've gotten an idea in my head about what I should do and pursued it and then end up having another idea about something slightly different or an offshoot of the original plan and then go after that. Once I have that idea it's kinda hard to focus on anything else or maybe even see the reality of the situation until it eventually comes into view and then I start on another idea.  But I would like to find something I could at least do for a years or settle into. I think it's all worked out okay though.

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