Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Cut Off All My Hair

Buzzed it on a 2. My roommate did it for me. Thanks Maddie!

About to go into work tomorrow for three days. I'll get off Friday morning and head to Harrisonburg for about 6 days. Then I'll go back in for 2 days. Then I'll start my school schedule and be living at camp again. 

I cut all of my hair off because I came up with a life plan and instead of a blood oath it's like a hair oath (?) Something to show that I will be intentional and that this plan will influence the future. This was a pattern disruption. No more growing out your hair, going along with the flow. Refocus and do this new thing.

What's the new thing? Plan: work at my school for another year and leave in June to work at camp again. I would apply for a leadership position at camp but I am also okay with being a counselor again. After summer 2018 I will take the money I've saved from my full time job and start building/converting a tiny home. Yes. I guess it's a lot to ask for that to happen at that specific time but maybe if I start talking about it enough now I'll be able to speak it into existence. Then, once I have my house I'll be able to go back to camp and be a counselor until I can move up in that world. Plus if I know something about making tiny houses, that would be very valuable for myself and other people and could also be used to support me. I would feel very useful and fulfilled and sustainable. Self contained. Yes.

And in the meantime I'll be doing running and making stuff. Lots of that. So yes. That's why I cut my hair. And by the time it's long enough to put up again I'll be working at camp and not working at my school and won't have to cut it for being too long. 

Regular posting to continue now that camp is over and the void it leaves behind needs to be filled. YAY! 

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