Wednesday, August 16, 2017

A Rare Evening

I'm going to write for 10 minutes and see what happens. I've been thinking a lot about what I would like to do in a year and where I was a year ago. I've also been thinking a lot about what it means to be an adult and people I know around my age who feel older than me somehow. This is all kinda boring to just say so I'll tell a story...I mean, I'll tell you the premises of stories because that's all I do

Time Crime: A group of criminal time traveling teens are locked up for their robberies and made to suffer the mundane hardships of penitentiary living--never to surf the space-time continuum again

Dime Crime: A group of criminal ten-cent pieces are locked up for their robberies and made to suffer the mundane hardships of penitentiary living--never to surf the space-time continuum again.

Lime Crime: A singular lime turns from good to bad and back to good again after he is driven mad by the cruelty of circumstance. He is made to suffer the mundane hardships of penitentiary living but then he gets out and looks after a little street kid or something.

Thyme Crime: A group of criminal time traveling spices are locked up for their robberies and made to suffer the mundane hardships of penitentiary living--never to surf anything ever again.

Thiamine Crime: Vitamin B1 is the once kindhearted mayor turned corrupt and evil by a crippling addiction to shrimp cocktail. How many innocent lives must be ruined to feed this essential nutrient's essential craving for delicious shrimp cocktail? Will he be made to suffer the mundane hardships of penitentiary living? Will he surf the space-time continuum ever again?

Slime Crime: It's a kid's movie. It's basically a 1 hour 40 minute commercial for merchandise.

Glime Crime: A gloup of gliminal glime glaveling gleens glare glocked glup flor gleir globberies and made to gluffer the glundane glardships of penitentiary living--glever to glurf the glace-glime glonglinuum glaglain.

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