Thursday, December 19, 2013

We Had Other Things Too

Every year the Wooly Worm Buffalo trek across the Great Seltzer Ridge. The path is steep and craggy and some Buffalo Worms are lost in the crossing. Predators have karate-chop action and can strike without warning. No one knows why these creatures traverse this dangerous terrain every year, without fail. The Worm Buffalo do not tell anyone their reasons. They do not even discuss the reasons amongst themselves. Scientists know this through advanced surveillance techniques and outright attempted bribes. It may be fair to say that there is no reason for the journey. The landscape demands it. These ancient places beckon and we, as all creatures do, silently, unknowingly, respond. The unknown is the unknown is the unknown is the root--the system of roots branching and splitting and spreading. We are the buds and the bugs. Pulled up and out from the dirt through untraceable tunnels and cast into the sun. At what cost are we risen? For what purpose are we assembled and set in motion. To create rhythm. To serve the beat and move in time with the vibrating light--born out of frequencies and resonating with the lowest, largest, deepest hum of the Underwave.  

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

This is really cool, migration really is one of the most mysterious and amazing things and I like the idea of purpose in this.