Sunday, December 29, 2013

Just Go To Bed

Ducks go across bridges to get to bed. Monkeys fight monkeys to go to bed. The poor and the drunk and flea-bitten zebras whisper in caves to go to bed. Turds go to bed in turd beds. Whistles and weasels and skinny umbrellas do not have beds but sleep upside down on hooks in the laps of a floating burgundy Spanish class. These thoughts do not belong in beds. They have burned their pajamas and sent their pillow cases flapping in the hurricane raging outside this tinted window. We keep turnips and toenails underneath the bed springs. Ducks go across bridges to get to bed. Sight stretches out like fitted sheets over streets and lamps and bottles and Walgreens you drove to get the toothbrush to go to bed. Go to bed. Rest like warm bears near rivers and trees made of rings. Go to bed many times and get rings and grow thicker in little layers. Denser or flabbier or jollier or burnt. Go to bed and follow the daisy chain. Patterns are getting smarter. Repeat to the same. Ducks go across bridges to get to bed. T-shirt geniuses in illustrious basements like outer space with glowing stars in the carpet. In the carpet. We all belong to the carpet. Flatten yourself out on the carpet because we all belong to the carpet. Go to bed. Go to bed. Buses need to be driven and coffee needs to be made and groceries need to be checked out and bagged and shirts need to be folded and rooms need to be cleaned and miles need to be traveled and messages need to be sent. Go to bed. There's no attention for you here. But you can look. Go to bed. Ducks go across bridges to get to bed. Many feeble millipedes fear going to bed. Just go to bed. Look all you like but go to bed. There's another time. After the bed. Hungry spiders sleep in silk. There aren't enough words to justify the alternative. Go to bed. The alternative needs no justification. Tumbling pillars and clouds of dust. Ragged breathing sleeps in sad rooms. Just go to bed. Ducks go across bridges to get to bed in a little line and stay in line and always in line and moving ahead. Always moving ahead in a line. Enjoy the walk because it doesn't stop. Just go to bed.

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