Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Maybe I Was, and Maybe I Wasn't


I'm all for believing. In anything. Anything at all. As long as the central part of your belief is that you have taken a good look at yourself and a good look at your surroundings, and said, "I don't think I can go on if this is all there is."

And that's why you have to believe. You have to believe that your current self and the powers you wield are insufficient to produce anything significant. So you believe in something that will. You can't just know it will. That's within your reason, within your capacity. You have to believe it will, you have to hope that what is entirely beyond you and your understanding will turn out right. And the only way to have that hope is to humble yourself. That's why I'm all for believing. Humiliation.

But there are just some things that I cannot believe or accept are worthy of belief.

Here they are:

Number One:  Mako Sharks can never hold electoral office. I can't believe it. My hopes can simply not reside in the idea that an animal so instinctually ruthless and aggressive could ever be elected by literate, adult citizens.

Number Two: Saying that you are going take me out for pancakes one morning is NOT THE SAME as taking a person out for pancakes one morning. It's not. I can't believe that. I can't believe that these lies and falsehoods that certain people propagate equate to the physical manifestation of that claim. Furthermore, I still have no pancakes.

And Number Three: I refuse to believe that the thing of importance is what you look like

when you're doing what you're doing. Instead,

it is what you are doing when you're doing what you look like you're doing!



I think the entirety of what I have learned in college can be summed up in the words of Express Yourself by Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd Rhythm Street Band.


Cassiar Memekio said...

Haha I really like this post. Especially when it gets to number three of the refuse-to-believes, haha so great

Andy Lawrence said...

Thanks! I got self-conscious of the righteousness of the beginning so I tried to end it in a way that would make people think,

"Oh, he's just crazy. And has a grudge about pancakes for some reason."