Saturday, January 26, 2013

Feet are Weird

It just looks really weird...

At around 10 seconds you can't really keep track of them and they look like they're flopping around like blap blop bleep bleep bleep blap.

And the person in the blue spikes at around 25 seconds looks like their ankles are drunk.

Also, burlesque doesn't sound like what it is.

Burlesque sounds like a gathering of rough, hairy mountain men standing on cedar barrels and stumps.

And they're crushing soup cans with their bare hands and bathing the dancing woodland creatures in the cold broth.

There's also chicken bones scattered everywhere.

That's what burlesque sounds like.

1 comment:

Crabinger said...

I actually heard the footsteps like:

And 25second-bluespikes sounds like:
"Whhaaa. Whhaaa. Whaaa. Whaaa.