Friday, August 24, 2012

College Back to Times

One year left.


-do well in the classes

-run lots

-stand-up comedies

-write lots read lots

-be a competent human being

-have fun


That is basically the life plan indefinitely except where you see, "do well in the classes" that will be replaced with "continue to survive on my own".


Yet another thing you could put on a Facebook or social media site advertising my blog because I refuse to venture on them: Hey America! Want to see a grown man(child) talk about his fears in terms of cupcakes and cowboys? Read this blog!



I'm thinking of trying to record these posts and then put up the audio of me reading them. Because, as far as I can tell, there are things you can do to make your blog more interesting.

One thing you can do is put up lots of related funny pictures.

But that takes a lot of work and I can barely keep up with just making the words. Admittedly, the words alone aren't particularly eye-catching.

I'm thinking maybe an alternative could be me reading them some out loud and it would make these collections of brain dust a little more concrete and enjoyable and accessible.

So be looking out for that in the near future and then maybe this blog will be something worth sharing.


In the mean times, in between times, here's an attempt to something:

I'm not scared of spiders. But if I run into a spider's web unawares, I will uncontrollably start waving my arms and starting making yells that sound like a dog trying to bark at the hose water it is simultaneously trying to drink, "YAH! YAAHHAAAHH! YAH!"

And my friend is not afraid of spiders. But he has a very low tolerance for people misbehaving at public locations.

So when me and friend play disc golf together, it's two hours of normal conversation with intermittent bursts of "YAAHH HAHAAGGHH YAH!" and "THERE ARE LEASH LAWS IN THIS CITY!" "PUT DOWN THAT DISC IT'S MINE!"

We're like an old, angry gay couple that have been together for so long we've run out of things to enjoy together, run out of things to hate together, and we're only left with yelling inappropriately and throwing discs of hard plastic at trees.

Because sometimes relationships mutate in weird ways. But you have to let them grow naturally. You can't try to control relationships. A guy might start out as the person you see in the parking lot every morning on your way in to work and three months later you might be going to his house to wipe his butt again because he forgot how.

1 comment:

Alyssa Beeeeeeda said...

haha I love that last story, Andy. Especially this bit: "We're like an old, angry gay couple that have been together for so long we've run out of things to enjoy together, run out of things to hate together, and we're only left with yelling inappropriately and throwing discs of hard plastic at trees."

Maybe use that in some of your stand up comedies? also also-- I think I'm going to try and tell jokes off campus this year (one of my goals). Richmond trips in the future maybe? And you're welcome to come along if you want
