Tuesday, June 20, 2023

mediocre run and thoughts on a great counselor I have known

 Was really tired and have been battling some foot pain on and off for a few weeks. It really seemed like it was getting bad and I could feel it for almost all of camp today. Forced myself out the door and about a mile in it was getting pretty ouchy so I took off my shoe and sat down in the middle of trail and starting digging into my foot. Felt around for some spots and pretty high on my arch on the side of the foot I found a point I could really dig into and almost immediately I knew I'd fixed it. When I got up and started running again I was pain free and could feel waves of chills going through my body. I was still pretty tired so it was a short run but finally getting rid of the pain was a huge relief.

Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about being a good counselor and what that looks like and probably the person who has influenced me the most as a counselor was this guy at the first summer camp I ever worked at named yani. The thing that stuck out the most to me was that he always went out of his way in any situation to scan the group and find the person who looked like they most needed support from a counselor. Someone who didn't have someone to talk to and didn't seem to know how to talk to others. He was like a magnet. He would go to that person and start talking to them like they were the most interesting person in the world that he had to know. And then he would make it his mission to include that camper and make them feel like they belonged. I know I fall short of that sometimes but in my best moments I think I can make that happen. I think as a counselor if you had to pick the most impactful thing you could do with your time and energy then that's probably it. 

I'm setting a goal for myself to do that 5 times tomorrow.

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