Wednesday, June 21, 2023

energy is a crazy thing

 yesterday I figured out my foot pain so that was good. The other nagging issue I've been dealing with is feeling tired after work. At the start of the summer I was all set to climb every day and then run after. Then at some point I was kayaking a bunch and feeling super tired and decided that I really only had energy to run. I thought if I tried to go climbing I would definitely be too tired to run and wouldn't want to. So since I could only choose one I picked running. Well then I was spending a bunch of time feeling tired anyway and finally getting out the door to run and feeling tired and miserable and sorry for myself.

Long story short--today it was raining and looked miserable outside so I answered some emails, ate an early dinner for me and decided I would finally go climb. And of course, instead of not wanting to run when I actually let myself climb I found very quickly that I wanted to go run. So I had a decent to mediocre climbing session and then I did a late run in the rain and had more energy and felt better than I have on a weekday run in too too long.

I guess the lesson is, my body wanted me to go climb. That's what I needed to do get energy. By holding myself back I was making myself more tired almost. Like I was depriving myself of the thing I actually wanted to do because I thought it would interfere with what I felt like I needed to do. But really they go hand-in-hand, I think. 

I don't know. Anyway, I made a point to go up to kids who were by themselves and talk to them or invite them to join things and it was really good. Would recommend.

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