Tuesday, June 27, 2023

called maw maw today

 It was good to talk to her. She says I need to take more pictures so I'll start doing that. 

I think I've figured out how to not be so tired. The secret is to drink a small cup of coffee when I get home and then go to rocky top. Staying inside and trying to rest just makes me more tired.

I've been running in the evenings during the sunsets and it's been beautiful. My favorite time of day to run. I would really love running in the summer if I didn't have to work so much but it's still enjoyable anyway.

My car is making some scraping noises and I think it's an easy fix. I've looked online and it probably has something to do with the brake pads or the rotors. It seems like it's the front wheels because they were hot today after I drove home and the back wheels were not. It's both front tires too which is interesting. I guess that means it's probably the brake pads. If it makes the noise again tomorrow and I assume it will then I'll take it to the garage right across the street. 

I've been doing really well lately. I've figured out my summer routine and everything is going well.

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