Friday, June 30, 2023

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

fixed my car myself!

 So proud of myself this morning. put WD40 around the rotors and the squealing disappeared! Really glad I didn't have to take my car in.

great day today

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

called maw maw today

 It was good to talk to her. She says I need to take more pictures so I'll start doing that. 

I think I've figured out how to not be so tired. The secret is to drink a small cup of coffee when I get home and then go to rocky top. Staying inside and trying to rest just makes me more tired.

I've been running in the evenings during the sunsets and it's been beautiful. My favorite time of day to run. I would really love running in the summer if I didn't have to work so much but it's still enjoyable anyway.

My car is making some scraping noises and I think it's an easy fix. I've looked online and it probably has something to do with the brake pads or the rotors. It seems like it's the front wheels because they were hot today after I drove home and the back wheels were not. It's both front tires too which is interesting. I guess that means it's probably the brake pads. If it makes the noise again tomorrow and I assume it will then I'll take it to the garage right across the street. 

I've been doing really well lately. I've figured out my summer routine and everything is going well.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

energy is a crazy thing

 yesterday I figured out my foot pain so that was good. The other nagging issue I've been dealing with is feeling tired after work. At the start of the summer I was all set to climb every day and then run after. Then at some point I was kayaking a bunch and feeling super tired and decided that I really only had energy to run. I thought if I tried to go climbing I would definitely be too tired to run and wouldn't want to. So since I could only choose one I picked running. Well then I was spending a bunch of time feeling tired anyway and finally getting out the door to run and feeling tired and miserable and sorry for myself.

Long story short--today it was raining and looked miserable outside so I answered some emails, ate an early dinner for me and decided I would finally go climb. And of course, instead of not wanting to run when I actually let myself climb I found very quickly that I wanted to go run. So I had a decent to mediocre climbing session and then I did a late run in the rain and had more energy and felt better than I have on a weekday run in too too long.

I guess the lesson is, my body wanted me to go climb. That's what I needed to do get energy. By holding myself back I was making myself more tired almost. Like I was depriving myself of the thing I actually wanted to do because I thought it would interfere with what I felt like I needed to do. But really they go hand-in-hand, I think. 

I don't know. Anyway, I made a point to go up to kids who were by themselves and talk to them or invite them to join things and it was really good. Would recommend.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

mediocre run and thoughts on a great counselor I have known

 Was really tired and have been battling some foot pain on and off for a few weeks. It really seemed like it was getting bad and I could feel it for almost all of camp today. Forced myself out the door and about a mile in it was getting pretty ouchy so I took off my shoe and sat down in the middle of trail and starting digging into my foot. Felt around for some spots and pretty high on my arch on the side of the foot I found a point I could really dig into and almost immediately I knew I'd fixed it. When I got up and started running again I was pain free and could feel waves of chills going through my body. I was still pretty tired so it was a short run but finally getting rid of the pain was a huge relief.

Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about being a good counselor and what that looks like and probably the person who has influenced me the most as a counselor was this guy at the first summer camp I ever worked at named yani. The thing that stuck out the most to me was that he always went out of his way in any situation to scan the group and find the person who looked like they most needed support from a counselor. Someone who didn't have someone to talk to and didn't seem to know how to talk to others. He was like a magnet. He would go to that person and start talking to them like they were the most interesting person in the world that he had to know. And then he would make it his mission to include that camper and make them feel like they belonged. I know I fall short of that sometimes but in my best moments I think I can make that happen. I think as a counselor if you had to pick the most impactful thing you could do with your time and energy then that's probably it. 

I'm setting a goal for myself to do that 5 times tomorrow.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

great weekend

 the thing I'm most thankful for is calling my dad and telling him happy father's day. I have a lot of memories of things I saw him do growing up that shaped who I am for the better. I'm really lucky that he's my dad.

Friday, June 16, 2023

just finished up a long stretch

 Didn't have a weekend last weekend so it's been a long stretch of working days. Really good though. Excited to say that I finished this week with more energy than I started with despite having some pain in my foot and having my phone unexpectedly die on me.

That's the power of a good week of camp! I'm really excited for this summer and I think it's only going to keep getting better. 

the path of the silly lil guy is beset on all sides by the inequities of the ding-dongs and the tyranny of absolute villains. blessed is he who in the name of the bit and helping out, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness for he is truly a good boy and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

finished climbing and walked outside and it was storming

 didn't get in a run today but that's okay. super busy week and weekend coming up so I feel like it's good to take the pressure off

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

ooooo baby

 that's wild

zoo-wee mama


sheesh lasagna

rabbla dabbla


Monday, June 5, 2023

Sunday, June 4, 2023

fit confident and capable

that's all I gotta be

fit confident and capable

I washed my truck today

I potted a bunch of spider plants

I bought groceries, I got my laundry done, I bought white spray paint

I had a great climb. I had a great run.

I could have drank more water but I'm going to do that now.

fit confident and capable

Saturday, June 3, 2023

my mother spider plant has given birth

Somewhere there is a pic of my original spider plant I took from CHT when I lived in Annex. She was looking laden with babies so today I planted 11 of them. 10 are for counselors and one I gave to my neighbor Linda who was watching me water and pot the plants asked if she could have one :)